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Yellow waves representing life change and calmness
Navy butterfly representing transformation and life change

“Don't measure your success by how much you get done; measure it by how much you enjoy each part of your life.

Is This You?


Yellow waves representing life change and calmness

You've worked your way up the corporate career ladder and now you're at or near the top, and you're proud of what you've achieved.


However the long hours and mental energy that corporate leadership requires means that your main focus for a long time has been work, and you're feeling stressed and exhausted.


You're not performing as well as you used to at work, you don't prioritise yourself and your health, you're not as present for the people in your life as you want to be, and you have no time for activities you used to enjoy.


Maybe you're:


~ Tired, stressed out, overwhelmed and anxious

~ Experiencing physical symptoms of stress: headaches, faster heartbeat, muscle tension, digestive issues

~ Experiencing emotional symptoms of stress: constantly worrying, struggling to make decisions, difficulty concentrating, being forgetful

~ Experiencing behavioural symptoms of stress: problems sleeping, irritable and snappy, eating too much or too little, indulging more in unhealthy habits

~ Overthinking about what happened today at work or what needs to happen tomorrow

~ Anxious about not being present for the people in your life, or not having time to do what you want to both at and outside of work 

~ Worrying about your health and not being able to prioritise it


If this sounds like you, book a call and let's chat about how we could work together.




Life change and executive coach qualification badge
Life change and executive coach qualification badge
NHC Diploma Digital Badge no background(1).png
Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change
Anchor 1


Blue wave representing life change and calmness

Your coaching programme will be individual to you, however here are some areas in which I can help:


~   Stress assessment

Work out your level of stress and how the symptoms are impacting your life.

~   I'm exhausted from work

Tools and frameworks for managing stress, anxiety and exhaustion.

~   My stress is affecting how I behave

How to get back to who you really are, and be calmer and more in control.

~   I think about work all the time

Ways to switch off and focus on other things when you're not at work.


~   I love my job but I want a life too

Work out what you want from all areas of life, and create a plan to get there, without affecting your career success.

~   I don't have enough time

Set and maintain boundaries to create more time for you. 

I want to be healthier

Prioritise yourself over everything else and introduce healthier habits long term.

~   I'm miserable at work

Work out what you want, and how to fall back in love with your job, or make the move to something else.



Navy butterfly representing transformation and life change

How it works: 


~ Starting assessment

of where you are now and where you want to be 

~ Agreement

of coaching programme objectives

~ Discover

practical tools and strategies to reach your potential

~ Plan

 that has clear goals and milestones to achieve what you want

~ Uncover

beliefs and blockers that hold you back


through me bringing you back to what you want to achieve, and what you said you want to do

~ Honesty

in speaking openly without any judgement in a safe space, having someone actively listen, and receive open and honest feedback

Picture of life change and exeuctive coach


Prices for my three month coaching programme start at £1200

You can book a 30-minute call, during which you can find out more about me and how we can work together. We will cover what brings you to coaching, and I can answer any questions you may have about the coaching process and working with me.

Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change

“Do not confuse having a career with having a life."

Hillary Clinton

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Blue wave representing life change and calmness
Person talking during coaching session

Ten 60-minute live virtual coaching

sessions with me

Person having moment of inspiration during coaching session

Assessment of where you are now, and what change you would like to create

Person writing notes during coaching session

Post-session summary and actions to complete in between sessions

Different methods of communication during a coaching session

Articles, frameworks, videos and

other information

Different methods of communication during coaching session

WhatsApp support from me in between

coaching sessions

Brain thinking during coaching session

Your individual follow- up plan at the end of our three-month programme

Navy butterfly representing transformation and life change

Prices for my three month coaching programme start at £1200

You can book a 30-minute call, during which you can find out more about me and how we can work together. We will cover what brings you to coaching, and I can answer any questions you may have about the coaching process and working with me.

safe space, having someone actively listen, and receive open and honest feedback

Coaching for Organisations


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I work with client delivery and operations leaders in small to medium sized organisations who want to offer stress and burnout management and prevention support to their leaders to help them thrive in their roles.

Having worked in corporate environments for 23 years at all levels up to Executive and Board, I understand the challenges that occur every day, and believe in the power of coaching to build on strengths, overcome weaknesses, better manage stress, improve performance, and increase satisfaction and happiness levels.

I work with leaders one-on-one for three, six or ten session-programmes, depending on the objective.

I also work with companies on a retained basis, spending either one day per week, bi-weekly, or monthly in-business, again depending on the objectives and the group of individuals selected for coaching. 

I can conduct coaching sessions either weekly or bi-weekly, and either virtually, or face-to-face if preferred and based in London.

I can support leaders with:

Shapes and arrows depicting the journey of change

​Leading and thriving through change 

Two stakeholders shaking hands

Improving team, stakeholder, peer relationships

A head representing life change

Being more decisive in challenging situations

A person who has changed their life after life change coaching

Stress management and burnout


People at work interacting in a team
A picture of speech exchanged during coaching session
A person looking at the clock during life coaching

Improving team and stakeholder management skills

Being bolder in communication

Working smarter: time management, organisation

and prioritisation

Increased confidence for new leaders

Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change

Prices per session start at £200 and retained days start at £1000

I offer a 30-minute meeting to discuss your objectives for coaching within your organisation. During this we can discuss programme options and potential ways of working that meet the needs of your company culture and the individuals that are going to be coached. 

Navy butterfly representing transformation and life change

“To improve is to change. To be perfect is to change often."

Winston Churchill


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  • Coaching sessions with an individual

  • Three, six or ten session packages available

  • Programme objectives agreed with key stakeholder

  • Contracting session with each coachee to establish ways of working and assess starting point

  • Sessions take place virtually weekly

  • Review meeting halfway and at programme end to measure success

  • Tools, frameworks and strategies provided throughout 

  • Contact with me in between sessions for extra support if needed

  • Coaching sessions with individuals/teams/organisation wide

  • Book coaching for day per week, bi-weekly or one day per month

  • Four sessions per day

  • Introduction meeting during which measurable objectives are agreed

  • Sessions take place virtually or face-to-face 

  • Review meeting halfway and at programme end to measure success

  • Tools, frameworks and strategies provided throughout 


Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change

Prices per session start at £200  per session and retained days start at £1000

I offer a 30-minute meeting to discuss your objectives for coaching within your organisation. During this we can discuss programme options and potential ways of working that meet the needs of your company culture and the individuals that are going to be coached. 

Picture of life change and executive coach sat in cafe looking friendly and open and ready for coaching


Yellow waves representing life change and calmness

I am a recovering perfectionist who spent many years striving to meet my own ‘unrelenting standards’ in my work and personal life. I climbed the corporate ladder for more than two decades, experiencing chronic stress and anxiety, and at the end of 2020 I had a burnout, which brought me to my physical and emotional knees. Since then, I have rebuilt my life to where I am today, living the much calmer and balanced life that I have, deep down, always wanted to live, with happiness in  all areas, not just work.

Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change

Since my burnout I have gone through a process of change in every area of my life.


This led me to leave my corporate career and set up my own businesses, and I’m now living and working around the world (currently based in my hometown of London for a year, after a year living in between Thailand and Bali).


I’ve also moved to a much healthier and calmer lifestyle based on better nutrition and habits, and a foundation of yoga, meditation and self-care. It’s a continuous journey that I’m thankful for every day.


Fundamental life and/or work change and transition can seem impossible, frightening and stressful. I love to work with people to support them through this, so that they can create the life and career they really want.

Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change
Blue waves representing life change and calmness


Yellow waves representing life change and calmness
Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change
Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change
Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change
Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change
Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change

Karen is a great listener and gave me lots of space to formulate my own conclusions. Karen asked me for permission to give me her impression, which I also really appreciated, and she made some insightful comments in the nicest possible way. Speaking with her has helped me to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective, it even helped me in a much larger way in the end because having an objective listener caused me to examine myself much more carefully. I can now see clearly that there are parallels between my frustration with this one issue and other difficulties that I am having in my current situation. What is called 'taking a look in the mirror' is what occurred for me, and I felt that Karen was a kind guide for the process, I never felt judged although some of the conclusions I came to mean I have to make some changes to the way I see and approach things. Karen is a skillful guide.


Marta Maojo, previous client


Yellow butterfly representing transformation and life change


Yellow waves representing life change and calmness
Green waves representing life change and calmness


When you sign up to download the free guide,

you’ll also be signing up to my free newsletter

(you can unsubscribe at any time). 

Blue wave representing calmness
Contact me
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WhatsApp: +44 (0) 7918 428 183





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