My life change:
Two years ago I made the decision to make big changes, as I wasn’t happy with the way I was living my life.
In the past two years I have achieved many of the things that I dreamed of doing:
Left my 23-year corporate career
Started two businesses and became my own boss
Sold all my belongings and moved to a minimalist lifestyle
Moved to location independent living, spending a year living in Thailand and Bali
Invested time in setting up and building my coaching business
Completed yoga teacher training
Completed a health and nutrition qualification
Lost 14kg in weight, and more importantly moved to a healthier lifestyle that includes exercise and healthy eating every day
Cut down on alcohol and ended other unhealthy habits
At times, it was HARD, and terrifying.
What I learnt along the way:
You need to be clear on what you want, if you’re going to get it: have a vision
You need to be clear on how you’re going to get there: have a plan
You need to be strong during questions from naysayers: be confident in yourself
You need to be courageous during tough days: know how to talk yourself through them
You need know what soothes you: be kind to yourself and have a ‘toolkit’ of things you know help pick you up on tough days
You need to know that big change can take a long time: have patience, often it’s the small daily changes that make the difference
Some tips for how:
Create a vision:
Spend some time getting clear on exactly what you want
Include how you’ll feel emotionally when you get it, as well as what you’ll have and what you’ll be doing
Create a vision board or a written vision
Have this on your wall, on your phone, or on your mirror so you see it every day
2. Create a plan:
Have a list or more detailed plan in your calendar of what you need to do when in order to achieve your vision
And recognise that this may change as time goes on, move with it
3. Be confident in yourself:
People, even your close friends and family, can react strangely to other people around them making change
Be prepared for questions and comments that make you question what you’re doing
And find a way to come back to why you’re doing what you’re doing to keep you on track (mine was to say to myself out loud why I was doing what I was doing!)
4. Know how to talk yourself through it:
See above, making big change takes courage and is probably going to be different to what other people around you are doing
Some days are going to be terrifying
Work out what helps you through times of doubt: coming back to your vision or plan and remembering why you’re doing what you’re doing, finding the people that are your supporters, or be your own biggest supporter and talk yourself through it
5. Be kind to yourself
On some days you’re going to be anxious, and you’re probably going to have some sleepless nights
Get to know what soothes you and makes you feel better during tough days
Simple things sometimes work the best: a hot bath, yoga, walking in nature or getting close to the sea, an early night, listening to favourite tunes (these are some of mine)
Have a self-soothing toolkit and use it
6. Have patience:
Creating big change can take a long time
It’s the small changes every day that make the difference, and often you don’t see the impact of these straight away
Be patient with yourself and the process, and whenever you need to come back to your WHY?
Final thoughts:
Accepting that making big life change is going to be hard and scary at times is an important part of the process. It doesn’t mean it’s not possible though. If I can do it, anyone can.
I believe happiness comes from living an authentic life; getting honest about what we really want and putting the work in to create a life that reflects this, and being brave enough to be our whole self in life and at work. This, in my experience, is essential in order to thrive in life or business.
For more on living and working more authentically, check out my blog and other posts on my website, and follow me on Instagram, and LinkedIn.